Monday, July 6, 2015

Week 10 Post

To many people money means freedom, happiness, or fun, to me I've come to realize it's each of those things in some ways but much more in others. To me it's mostly just a tool to help me provide for my family and live comfortably but never has it been what motivates me or brings me happiness. I've always been told that many only magnifies whatever problems you already have and whatever person you already are. If you're greedy you'll want more, if you're humble you'll keep it quiet and not change what type of person you choose to be. 

Unfortunately, I know of too many individuals who have allowed money to be the source of their life to the point that they've given up some real joys to get it. I've seen fathers ignore their family before eventually losing them altogether. I've seen others desires to have money and toys cloud what their purpose in life is and give up their beliefs and lose their way. The scary part is that it's not that hard to do when life is going well and money is coming in. I've been asked by some good friends why I still pay tithing even because it's a 10% boost in my income if I chose not to! The truth of the matter is that when money becomes the root of your motivation in life you lose sight of what invaluables you have around you and what makes this life so good!

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